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Pos Specialization Service Network Payment Receive payment easy Financial Services Shang Yingtong Pay for the whole people Cross - Border Business Yi Hang Bao

product descriptionProduct Description

Introduction to overseas receipt

(Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. for the Hong Kong and Macao businesses to provide POS installation, maintenance and other specialized services, as well as the clearing of funds to receive a single agent services (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.,。

Product advantagesProduct Advantages

  • To achieve the payment of CUP cardholder abroad

    Direct access to China UnionPay's interbank exchange network to meet the needs of CUP cardholder's overseas transactions。

  • Capital clearing service in place

    To provide timely, accurate and secure financial clearing services for overseas merchants。

  • More professional for cardholder service

    Promote the growth of CUP cards in Hong Kong and Macao, and provide high quality professional services for overseas merchants。

Applicable industry & success storiesTrial Industries & Success Stories

  • Applicable industry

    All walks of life

  • success case

    Esprit Retail(HK)、Prince fur, ring Asia l line, Thailand bird nest Zhuang, Jia Ningna Chaozhou Restaurant, Bonjour Cosmetics, Forte jewelry line, etc.。

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