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Pos Specialization Service Network Payment Receive payment easy Financial Services Shang Yingtong Pay for the whole people Cross - Border Business Yi Hang Bao

product descriptionProduct Description

Introduction to ShangYingTong

"Shang Yi Tong" is a market demand-oriented, set prepaid, members, points, marketing and other areas of the function of the prepaid card to accept the brand, is the industry's most comprehensive card management and integrated marketing services products, can effectively help businesses attract And to maintain the consumer, suitable for integrated shopping mall, large retail chain enterprises, department stores, food, consumer goods, hotel chains, aviation, tourism, communications and other industries, fully meet the card issuer, business personalized marketing needs, Satisfaction and loyalty of the preferred platform. "Business Yeston" in 2011 was named "China's top ten innovative software products", in 2012 won the "seventh session of the Guangdong financial science and technology progress award first prize."

Business functions

  • Prepayment

    Through the consumer prepaid to the rapid return of business funds, profit maximization; through consumer spending generated points or business gift points, with the business defined points consumption, points, gifts and other promotional activities。

  • member discount

    Merchants through the membership function can deepen the consolidation of old customers, the development of new customers; business through the discount function, to further attract and stabilize customer groups。

  • Counting cards and coupons

    Merchants spend count through the number of times, or the use of coupons in the customer when the consumer cash to attract customers to provide customer satisfaction and loyalty。

  • IC chip card

    Meet PBOC2.0 and above standards, both support online online transactions, but also support e-cash flash off offline transactions。

  • Electronic prepaid card

    Support no card way, businesses can issue electronic gift cards can also be extended to the mobile phone number for the membership number of electronic members。

System advantageSystem Advantages

  • System security and stability

    Shang Yuntong system to provide a unified interface, a unified clearing and reconciliation channels。

  • Strong expansion

    Support online and offline admissibility, through the business through the interface to achieve the business website or APP online acceptance, through the laying of POS equipment to achieve the store under the line accepted。

  • Full Service

    Error handling platform for error handling, providing 24-hour customer service hotline service。

  • Mature operation

    Has been for the AEON, PARKnSHOP, wide travel, and other enterprises to provide a complete payment services, a wealth of market application service capabilities。

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